Customer Generation – Application

This application is an interconnection request for existing Idaho Power customers who wish to install a Distributed Energy Resource (DER) comprised of an energy generation system (e.g., solar) or energy storage system (e.g., battery backup). Once submitted an electronic printable version of this application will be emailed with instructions for signing and mailing the form with the application fee. Upon receipt of the application and fee, Idaho Power will review the project and determine if any upgrades to the electrical grid are needed. Applications will be considered complete once a signed application and fee plus any requested documentation (i.e. single line) have been received by Idaho Power. If no upgrades are needed, you will receive an approval to proceed. Application and fee expire one year after review date. The review is based only on the size of your DER and the grid components that will accept your DER’s exported energy. If you are making other modifications to your electric service (e.g., installing a larger service panel), upgrades to the distribution service may be required. If electric service modifications are needed to accommodate the DER system, to ensure the meter is accessible 24/7 as required, or for any other reason, contact Idaho Power's Customer Care line at 800-488-6151 to initiate the process. Idaho Power does not review for state electrical or building requirements. Please ensure you get the proper permits and inspections for your planned work.

All DER systems must satisfy the requirements of Schedule 68 Interconnections to Customer Distributed Energy Resources. Upon completion of the interconnection process, customers will take service under the applicable schedules in Idaho Power’s tariff.

Visit for Idaho Power’s tariff schedules, interconnection and credit transfer eligibility requirements.

Maximum System Size

  • Residential and Small General Service: 25 kW AC.
  • Large General, Industrial, and Irrigation Service: 100 kW AC or the service point’s highest demand in the last 12 months.
  • AC-coupled energy storage systems count toward the total DER for the Feasibility Review, but do not count toward the maximum system size noted above.

Projects are reviewed based on the proposed total AC nameplate capacity as defined in Schedule 68 and AC unity power factor (1 kilovolt-ampere (kVA) = 1 kilowatt (kW)). Export limiting functions, programming, or equipment will not be considered when determining total AC system capacity.

For generation systems with battery storage: Depending on the system design and location of the AC Disconnect, there is a potential that the property may not receive power from Idaho Power in cases where the AC disconnect switch is turned off. Please work with your installer to mitigate this situation.

Fields marked with * are required

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    Please try again or call our Customer Care Team at 208-388-2323 (Treasure Valley) or 800-488-6151 for assistance.

    Customer Information

    Project Details

    Note: For additions to existing projects, provide the total system components (existing and proposed) in this form to reflect the total system size.

    Total number of Idaho Power-required AC disconnects for the entire DER (generation and storage systems). Do not include breakers or DC rapid shutdown.*
    Note: If multiple AC disconnects, a sign must be installed on/near the meter base indicating the number and location of all disconnects, and each disconnect must be labeled.
    See Schedule 68 for descriptions of protection types.
    Note: An Energy Storage System alone, without a Renewable Energy Generation System, is not eligible to export energy and must be installed as a Non-Exporting System.

    Resource Type: Solar

    Note: If the project also has AC-coupled battery storage, provide the battery’s inverter information in the Energy Storage section of this form.

    Resource Type: Wind

    Please provide the details of the inverter connecting to the AC breaker panel.

    Note: If the project also has AC-coupled battery storage, provide the battery’s inverter information in the Energy Storage section of this form.

    Resource Type: Hydro/Other Generation Type

    Describe Resource Type (limited to 1000 characters)

    Please provide the details of the inverter connecting to the AC breaker panel.

    Note: If the project also has AC-coupled battery storage, provide the battery’s inverter information in the Energy Storage section of this form.

    Resource Type: Energy Storage

    Note: Please provide a line diagram of the system and battery spec sheet(s). Email to noting customer name and address or include a copy when mailing the completed application.

    Note: Energy Storage Devices may share an inverter with a Generation Facility ("DC Coupled"), or Energy Storage Devices may have a stand-alone inverter ("AC Coupled").

    Per battery capacity (kVA or kW, not kWh)

    Per battery capacity (kVA or kW, not kWh)

    Note: Provide inverter information for energy storage system only. A Generation System's inverters should be entered in the previous Resource Type section.

    Note: Provide inverter information for energy storage system only. A Generation System's inverters should be entered in the previous Resource Type section.

    Note: Provide inverter information for energy storage system only. A Generation System's inverters should be entered in the previous Resource Type section.

    Note: Provide inverter information for energy storage system only. A Generation System's inverters should be entered in the previous Resource Type section.

    Total DER Size (kW AC)

    Total DER Size will calculate upon clicking the first Acknowledgments box.


    Project Contact/Installer

    Printable Copy Instructions

    Important: Once the form is submitted, a printable copy will be emailed to you. Please ensure the Customer/Account Holder initials and signs the Customer Acknowledgment section on the printable copy and mail it to the address on the form with the non-refundable $100 application payment. The application review will be completed once the signed copy and payment are received.